Stithians Community Primary School

Stithians Community Primary School

Inspiration - Understanding - Value - Responsibility

Stithians CP School, Church Road, Stithians, Truro, Cornwall, TR3 7DH

01209 860547

Ethos, Values & Vision

Stithians Community Primary School Ethos and Vision

The school's governors are responsible for ensuring the school has a clear ethos, vision and strategic direction.  In order to do this we have adopted an ethos which will guide all strategy and activity in the school.  We have developed this ethos in consultation with the Senior Leadership Team and have consulted on it with the staff, children, parents and wider community.

Our ethos is to develop






Our vision, strategy and actions will be guided by our ethos. Being motivated and guided by our ethos means that we will achieve a greater sense of meaning in our school life. Our school vision for the next three to five years is: 

We will embed and continue to develop an inspiring, broad and balanced curriculum across the school to embed motivation and ambition for life-long learning.  

We will seek to inspire our school community to foster a love of learning in all our children. 

We will measure this through Governor visits to school to assess levels of engagement of our children in our curriculum. 

Our children will build their understanding of their local place and environment, and their impact on the wider world.  

At our school children will understand how they are developing their skills and knowledge and will know in what ways they are looking to improve next. 

We will measure this by looking at how our Pupil Voice develops and by our assessments of pupil progress over time. 

Every individual in our school community is valued for who they are and shows that they value each other, offering support when needed and taking time to mark achievements.  We will embed a ‘Thrive’ approach at the heart of our school. 

We will show we value our staff and develop tangible ways in which we can demonstrate appreciation of their efforts. 

Governors will measure this by talking to groups of children, staff retention levels and staff well-being survey. 

Children will be encouraged to be resilient in their learning, to take responsibility for their efforts; to be ambitious and to achieve their potential, regardless of starting point. 

Staff will take responsibility for providing excellent teaching across the whole curriculum using innovation appropriately to maximise impact. 

Governors will take responsibility for keeping their training up-to-date, ensuring the Governing Body is appropriately skilled so that it can support and challenge the leadership team. 

Governors will measure this by monitoring progress against national targets and through visits to the school, and by looking at the skills and make-up of the Governing Body.  Our vision feeds into our School Development Plan which provides the strategy and activities to achieve the vision. 


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